
Cardiovascular problems have recently become the leading killer disease worldwide. It can happen to any person irrespective of their age. Some of the chief reasons for this condition are stress, genetic precedence, or faulty lifestyle. Cardiology refers to the diagnosis and treatments related to heart disorders. Performing meditation, eating the right nutritious food, practicing yoga, being stress-free, and taking care of overall well-being can reduce the risk of heart disease significantly.

Here are some of the Cardiovascular Diseases Treatments here:


Angiography (including the non-iconic contrast method) allows getting precise details and an elaborate look inside the human heart arteries, chambers, veins, and blood vessels. This procedure is very effective for proper diagnosis and complex surgical treatments.


Angioplasty is a surgical procedure performed for clearing any obstructions caused due to plaque in the coronary artery. It helps in increasing the diameter inside the blood vessels that may have become narrow. There are two methods for treating this condition; Balloon Angioplasty, which is used to remove the blockage in the heart with help of an inflated balloon, and Balloon Stenting, which removes the blockage with help of the balloon stent placed inside. However, the use of a non-iconic contrast medium for a comprehensive visualization is essential.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

It is an invasive surgical procedure done for restoring blood transmission to the heart, which is necessary for the transportation of required oxygen and nutrients. A bypass graft is often chosen from the artery of the inner chest wall or vein of the leg.

Double Valve Replacement

Double Valve Replacement is a procedure that involves the removal and replacement of both aortic and mitral valves. It is performed by our highly-qualified and experienced doctors. It is done for patients suffering from heart valve disease or congenital valve defects.

Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty

It involves the use of a very fine and flexible tube attached to a balloon at the tip. This tube is inserted through the arm or the groin. It is used to widen the heart valves that are narrowed. Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty helps to widen this narrowed valve with help of the inserted balloon that opens up inside.

Electrophysiology Study & Radio Frequency Catheter Ablation

Electrophysiology (EP) is a study done to diagnose abnormal heartbeats or arrhythmia through the electrical activity of the heart. Catheter Ablation is a minimally invasive treatment for treating some of these arrhythmia conditions.

Pacemaker Implant Double Chamber

It is used for regulating an abnormal heart rhythm. The procedure involves implanting a tiny electrical device that has a double chamber. It is fitted with two links inside the chest, one that connects to the upper chamber or the right atrium of the heart and the other that connects to the bottom of the chamber or ventricle of the heart on the right. The pacemaker helps to set the heart rhythm to normal with help of electric pulses.

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

It is a separate unit that comes under the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department. It involves stenting surgeries for pediatric patients who suffer from congenital defects of the heart and also covers the heart membrane.