
Dermatology refers to the treatments of skin disorders, which extends to hair fall treatments as well. Hawari Global avails of the most advanced dermatological treatments and the best dermatological doctors for you at affordable rates. Skin disorders can be treated with medications and surgical interventions as well. There are also various types of wellness remedies that can provide natural benefits for skin disorders.

Here are some of the domains related to medical Dermatological Treatments that you can opt for:


Trichology refers to the diagnosis and treatments for hair loss problems such as severe hair loss, hair abnormalities, and deterioration of scalp health. The procedure of Hair Transplantation is also a part of Trichology. It is done by extracting genetically stronger hair follicles from a part of your head/body (donor site) that has abundant hair and transferring them to the bald area of your head/body (recipient site). Additionally, we also provide many natural wellness treatments at Hawari Global for treating various hair issues offered by the top wellness centers.

Mohs Surgery

It is an intra-operative process done for the investigation of cancerous growth on the surface of the skin and also deep inside the skin layers. The procedure of Mohs Surgery is only performed by a dermatologist who is proficient in the pathological aspects and surgical knowledge. We provide you with the best doctors who will guide you throughout the treatment.


Skin disorders occur due to weakened immunity in an individual. Immuodermatology deals with the skin disorder treatments such as pemphigoid, lupus, pemphigus-Vulgaris, bullous, etc. These conditions resemble common skin disorders like urticarial, eczema, and common itching that can affect the epithelial layer of your skin. Hawari Global is well-known for its various immunity-strengthing natural wellness therapies for reducing these skin problems. Our doctors may recommend skin tissue and blood tests for providing the right treatment for every patient.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic Surgeries are the best way for people to look the way they always desired. It is not just done for good looks, but it is also an effective solution for keeping aging at a bay. These treatments involve the use of silicone, fillers, botulinum toxin, and laser surgery. The procedure is performed by worldwide accepted and reputed cosmetic surgeons at cost-efficient rates.

Pediatric Dermatology

Pediatric Dermatology deals with special diagnoses and treatments of a range of skin disorders in children. Conditions such as Genoderematoses and Neonates are some of the most complicated diseases that need to be treated with special care. We provide you with medical facilities with the requisite infrastructure and specialists required for resolving these types of dermatological problems at low-cost rates.