Endocrinology and Diabetology

This specialty refers to the disorders related to the endocrine systems. While Diabetology concerns diabetic patients only, Endocrinology involves diagnosis and treatments for various other endocrine problems as well. In fact, diabetes has become one of the most common types of endocrine disorders. Considering the patient’s details, medical history, allergies, and other required test reports, we provide you with the best doctors for effective medical solutions.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is also known as Juvenile Diabetes. In this condition, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin leading to disturbed functioning in the body. Type 1 Diabetes can be caused genetically or due to viruses.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes refers to the high sugar levels and blood glucose in the body. In this condition, the pancreas either produces very little insulin or your body might be completely insulin resistant. Type 2 Diabetes is however a very common condition that affects a majority of people at some age. It can be hereditary or can be caused due to obesity.

Gestational Diabetes

Women may develop high sugar levels during their pregnancies. These sugar levels may return to normal after childbirth; however, in the future, the mother may still carry a risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. This condition ‘Hypoglycemia’ is marked by low sugar levels, which can prove to be fatal if it is not given the required attention and care.