
Gynecology is a wholly dedicated medical department for the diagnosis and treatment of the female reproductive system. It involves every dysfunction and problem related to the uterus, vagina, and ovaries. It also includes gonadal disorders that need specialized hormone modulation treatment. Various treatments are offered in gynecology for women experiencing ovulation issues.
Doctors may advise surgery for treating some severe types of gynecological issues if required. Stress is found to be the main cause for causing these problems. Hawari Global also offers you the best wellness centers for therapies that may help with reducing stress and facilitating improved functioning of reproductive organs.

Dilation and Curettage

This procedure is performed if a woman experiences medical conditions such as unnatural bleeding of the uterus, partial miscarriage, or other disorders related to the uterus. It involves the removal of the tissues or the lining of the uterus.

Tubal Ligation

Tubal Ligation is a surgical treatment opted as a permanent birth control method. This method stops the sperm from entering the uterus or fertilizing the eggs. In this procedure, the fallopian tubes are surgically blocked or forever removed.


Hysterectomy refers to the removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus. Due to the removal of the uterus, pregnancy pots this procedure will not be possible. The treatment may show the impact gradually for the required results. This surgery is usually only used as a last-case scenario. It is also suggested in the case of excessive bleeding, endometriosis, and the development of fibroids in the uterus.


Colposcopy is a test performed if your doctor diagnoses any abnormalities during a PAP smear test or pelvic exam. This procedure allows getting a proper view of the vagina and cervix. It is recommended for treating conditions such as heavy bleeding, genital warts, polyps, etc that might indicate HPV infections and DES exposure.


The presence of dysfunctional ovaries can be harmful to the body. Ophorectomy is a precautionary surgery performed in order to remove these ovaries. It is only recommended after analyzing the medical history, suitability, and condition of the patient.


Hysteroscopy is a procedure for diagnosis and investigation performed for Intrauterine pathology study. It is done with the help of an endoscopic device. The surgeon uses a very thin tube attached to a fiber-optic camera and inserts it into the vagina through the cervix for the examination. The result of this investigation indicates the need for surgery. It can also be used for providing solutions for bleeding vaginas.

Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial Ablation is recommended for those women who experience heavy menstrual flow. The process of this method only takes a day to be done. Though is not a proper surgery; it involves the removal of the uterine layer with help of certain tools. Also, it is important to know that pregnancy is unlikely to happen in the future after the procedure.