
Hematology deals with the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment as well as prevention of disorders related to the lymphatic and blood system. The science of hematology focuses on the unwanted/unfavorable irregularities present in the blood cells, blood platelets, blood proteins, blood vessels, and hemoglobin count. It investigates the functioning of blood producing organs such as the spleen and bone marrow.

Hawari Global provides top-notch Hematology care for various conditions like


Anemia refers to the condition in which the body of a person has a deficiency of RBC or healthy red blood cells. This condition can sometimes occur a person has dysfunctional RBCs. Anemia can be treated with both invasive and non-invasive methods.
The non-invasive treatments can include medicines like vitamin B, iron supplements, etc. Blood transfusion can is advised, in case of heavy blood loss.


Leukemia or blood cancer is a condition in which the lymphatic system of your body grows cancerous malignant tissues. These issues interrupt the body’s ability to prevent infections. This condition can also affect the bone marrow. There are three types of leukemia, they are Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
If the leukemia is noticed to spread slowly, the doctor will constantly monitor the patient. However, if the spread is rapid, then chemotherapy is advised and prescribed. Certain situations may require the need of stem cell transplant, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.


Haemophilia refers to a blood clotting disorder. In this condition, the blood in your body may not clot as it needs to and can lead to excessive bleeding even if any little bruises or injury occurs. Haemophilia can be treated by replacing the missing blood clotting factor or boosting the blood clotting factors.


Myelofibrosis is a rare cancer condition in which the bone marrow is affected and the production of healthy blood cells is disrupted. Due to the damage to the bone marrow, a person suffers severe anemia. A person experiences symptoms such as extreme weakness or fatigue.
Spleen is one of the sources that produce blood, due to this condition, an enlarged spleen can result in disruption of this function. Hawari Global provides patients top-class facilities, with adequate equipment, and required tests and treatments. Some of the services like blood bank supervision, blood sample analysis, tests for determining the cause of blood disorder, blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant, etc are available as per your needs.