
Orthopedic surgeries are performed to repair musculoskeletal system disorders. Orthopedic disorders such as fractures or joint displacement are majorly seen in senior people. Aging can make joints brittle and cause cracks or fractures.
Hawari Global provides both non-surgical and surgical treatments for orthopedic problems. These conditions can generally cause due to many reasons like sports injuries, congenital disorders, infections, tumors, degenerative diseases, etc.

Some of the various Orthopedic Treatments available at Hawari Global are

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction or ACLR

ACLR is one of the most common tissue grafting replacement surgery. It is recommended as a restorative treatment after the surgical procedure on an injured knee. The recovery after ACLR takes at least 6 weeks. However, the recovery time may extend depending on the health conditions and age of the patient.

Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopic Surgery is also known as Keyhole Surgery. This procedure is carried out on certain body parts like the knee, wrist, ankle, and shoulder. It involves a small incision, which is about the size of a keyhole. The patient will require to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after the surgery. Post-procedure care such as physiotherapy or physical workout as advised by your physician is vital for proper recovery.

Joint Replacement

Joint Replacement Surgery is advised for people who are suffering from reduced joint mobility and excruciating pain. Some of the most common joint replacement surgieries carried out through Hawari Global are shoulder, hip, and knee replacements.

Spinal Surgery

Spinal Surgery is advised for treating spine-related conditions like spine degeneration, developmental spine disorders, and congenital disorders. Spine surgery usually comes in multi-disciplinary and all-inclusive packages, as the expertise of orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons, anesthetics, and rehabilitation therapists are all required.


Meniscectomy is a surgery done for repairing the torn meniscus of the knees. The procedure involves the removable of the torn meniscus. This helps to reduce the intense pain and discomfort that the patients suffer. The recovery phase can be 4 to 6 weeks.